Interest for
- NeedleCore consistency
- 8 probes kitKit for multiple applications
- Mesh probeConsistency of product with big particle as yogurt, sauce, jam.
- Knife probeCutting force.
- T probePressure resistance measurement
- Spherical ProbeConsistency, elasticity and adhesion on soft to strong sample
- Cleaver ProbeBreaking Force,
Knack - Dual Cone probeInternal Firmness,
Penetrometry - Conical ProbeMeasurement in consistency penetration on solid sample (spreading)
- Cylindrical ProbeMeasure in texture penetration on solid sample
- Bloom ProbeBloom Gel
Strength test - Flat ProbeConsistency, elasticity, adhesion and spinning on a solid of size smaller than the tray.
- ½ Spherical ProbeConsistency, elasticity, adhesion and spinning on gel and cream.